Data Science, amongst other things.

Installing Hadoop 2.4 on Ubuntu 14.04

Hey all,

Another of my ‘getting my new operating system set up with all the bits of kit I use’ – this time we’ll be on Hadoop (and HDFS). There’s a very strong chance that this post will end up a lot like Sean’s post – Hadoop from spare-change. If there are any differences it’ll be for these reasons three:
1.) He was using Ubuntu Server 13.04 not Ubuntu Desktop 14.04
2.) He was using Hadoop 2.2 not Hadoop 2.4
3.) He was setting up a whole bunch of nodes – I’m stuck with this oft-abused laptop

Anywho – on with the show.

Step 1:

Download Hadoop from Apache: I’ll be using this mirror but I trust that if you’re not in England, you can likely find a more suitable one:

If you’re trying to stick to the terminal/don’t have a GUI then go with this:


Find your way to wherever you downloaded the tar.gz file and untar it using the following command:

tar -xzf hadoop-2.4.0.tar.gz

Sorry if I’m teaching you to suck eggs – everybody has to start somewhere right?

Has it worked up till here?

Run the following command in the same directory you ran the above tar command:

ls | grep hadoop | grep -v *.gz

If there’s at least one line returned (ideally hadoop-2.4.0) then you’re good up till here.

Step 2:

Let’s move everything into a more appropriate directory:

sudo mv hadoop-2.4.0/ /usr/local
cd /usr/local
sudo ln -s hadoop-2.4.0/ hadoop

We create that link to allow us to write scripts/programs that interact with Hadoop that won’t need changing if we upgrade our Hadoop version. All we’ll do is install the new version and point the Hadoop folder to the new version instead. Ace.

Has it worked up to here?

Run this command anywhere:

whereis hadoop

If the output is:
hadoop: /usr/local/hadoop
you may proceed.

Step 3:

Righty, now we’ll be setting up a new user and permissions and all that guff. I’ll steal directly from Michael Noll’s tutorial here and go with:

sudo addgroup hadoop
sudo adduser --ingroup hadoop hduser
sudo adduser hduser sudo
sudo chown -R hduser:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop/

Has it worked up to here?


ls -l /home/ | grep hadoop

If you see a line then you’re in the money.

Step 4:

SSH is a biggy – possibly not so much for the single node tutorial but when we were setting up our first cluster, SSH problems probably accounted for about 90% of all head-scratching with the remaining 10% being nits.

su - hduser
sudo apt-get install ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""
cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

So we switch to our newly created user, generate an SSH key and get it added to our authorized keys. Unfortunately, Hadoop and ipv6 don’t play nice so we’ll have to disable it – to do this you’ll need to open up /etc/sysctl.conf and add the following lines to the end:

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

Fair warning – you’ll need sudo privileges to modify the file so might want to open up your file editor like this:

sudo apt-get install gksu
gksu gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

If you’re set on using terminal then this’ll do it:

echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf

Rumour has it that at this point you can run
sudo service networking restart
and kapeesh – ipv6 is gone. However, Atheros and Ubuntu seem to have a strange sort of ‘not working’ thing going on and so that command doesn’t work with my wireless driver. If the restart fails, just restart the computer and you should be good.

(if you’re terminal only : sudo shutdown -r now )

Has it worked up to here?

If you’re stout of heart, attempt the following:

su - hduser
ssh localhost

If that’s worked you be greeted with a message along the lines of ‘Are you sure you want to continue connecting?’ The answer you’re looking for at this point is ‘yes’.

If it hasn’t worked at this point run the following command:
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6

If the value returned is 0 then you’ve still not got ipv6 disabled – have a re-read of that section and see if you’ve missed anything.

Step 5:
I’m going to assume a clean install of Ubuntu on your machine (because that’s what I’ve got) – if this isn’t the case, it’s entirely likely you’ll already have Java installed. If so, find your JAVA_HOME (lots of tutorials on this online) and use that for the upcoming instructions. I’m going to be installing Java from scratch:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install default-jdk

Given a bit of luck, you’ll now have Java on your computer (I do on mine) and you’ll be able to set your environment variables. Open up your bashrc file:

su - hduser
gksu gedit .bashrc

and add the following lines:

export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop
export JAVA_HOME=/usr

and follow up with this command:
source ~/.bashrc

If you’ve deviated from any of the instructions above, those lines are likely to be different. You can find what your java home should be by running the following command:
which java | sed -e 's/(.*)/bin/java/1/g'

Your Hadoop home will be wherever you put it in step 2.

Has it worked up to here?

So many different ways to test – let’s run our first Hadoop command:

/usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop version

If that worked with no error (and gave you your Hadoop version) then you’re laughing.

Step 6:

Configuration of Hadoop (and associated bits and bobs) – we’re going to be editing a bunch of files so pick your favourite file editor and get to work. First things first though, you’re going to want some place for HDFS to save your files. If you’ve going to be storing anything big/bought external storage for this purpose now is the time to deviate from this tutorial. Otherwise, this should do it:

su - hduser
mkdir /usr/local/hadoop/data

Now for the file editing:

(only necessary when running a multi-node cluster, but let’s do it in case we ever get more nodes to add)
1.) /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/
Change export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME} to match the JAVA_HOME you set in your bashrc (for us JAVA_HOME=/usr).
Also, change this line:
to be

export HADOOP_OPTS="$HADOOP_OPTS -Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_PREFIX/lib"

And finally, add the following line:

2.) /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/
Add the following lines:

export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_PREFIX/lib"

3.) /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml
Change the whole file so it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

4.) /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml
Change the whole file so it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>


5.) /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml
Change the whole file so it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>


6.) /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml
Change the whole file so it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Annnd we’re done 🙂 Sorry about that – if I could guarantee that you’d be using the same file paths and OS as me then I’d let you wget those files from a Github somewhere but alas, I think that’s likely to cause more headaches than it solves. Don’t worry, we’re nearly there now 🙂

Has it worked up to here?

Run the following command:

/usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop namenode -format

If that works, you’re 20% of the way there.

Then, run:


If that seems to work without throwing up a bunch of errors:


If that’s worked, you can safely say you’ve got Hadoop running on your computer 🙂 Get it on the LinkedIn as a strength as soon as possible 😉

Now you’ve got Hadoop up and running on your computer, what can you do? Well, unfortunately with that single node and single hard disk, not much you couldn’t have done without it. However, if you’re just getting started with Linux and Hadoop you’ll have hopefully learnt a bit on the way to setting up your cluster.


  1. Yogesh

    The exclamation marks in core-site.xml is fuxing things up a bit. I removed them and it ‘seems’ to work.

    /usr/local/hadooop/bin/hadoop namenode -format <– one 'o' too long

    Very copy-paste friendly. Thanks 😀

    • Matthew Sharpe

      Thanks for the comments – glad it’s helped you and I’ll make the changes you suggested. You’re absolutely right; one too many o’s in Hadoop and the exclamation marks shouldn’t be there.

  2. Denny Abraham Cheriyan

    I know this is really basic, but you might want to add “cd /usr/local” in step 2 (Probably for newbies).

    sudo mv hadoop-2.4.0/ /usr/local
    cd /usr/local
    sudo ln -s hadoop-2.4.0/ hadoop

    Thanks for the tutorial!

    • Matthew Sharpe

      Have updated the post to take this into account – thanks for spotting!

  3. Denny Abraham Cheriyan

    It would be really helpful, if you could add an example of how to run a MapReduce job (Probably Word Count). It would be great if you could demonstrate how to configure Eclipse for Hadoop as well.

  4. Denny Abraham Cheriyan

    Hi, I referred to the “Hadoop from spare-change” blog entry, and tried to execute the word count example. It gives me the below mentioned output, and does not create any map/reduce tasks. I’m not able to figure out whats wrong. I would really appreciate it if you could help me out.

    Command –
    bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.4.0.jar wordcount /test /testout

    Output –
    14/05/19 12:07:50 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform… using builtin-java classes where applicable
    14/05/19 12:07:51 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at localhost/
    14/05/19 12:07:53 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1
    14/05/19 12:07:53 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:1
    14/05/19 12:07:53 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Submitting tokens for job: job_1400525302476_0001
    14/05/19 12:07:53 INFO impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1400525302476_0001
    14/05/19 12:07:53 INFO mapreduce.Job: The url to track the job: http://dennyac-HP-ENVY-TS-15-Notebook-PC:8088/proxy/application_1400525302476_0001/
    14/05/19 12:07:53 INFO mapreduce.Job: Running job: job_1400525302476_0001

    • Denny Abraham Cheriyan

      It just gets stuck at the line “14/05/19 12:07:53 INFO mapreduce.Job: Running job: job_1400525302476_0001”

      • Matthew Sharpe


        Sorry about that – have just checked it over. Would you be able to change this value in your yarn-site.xml:




        Then restart Yarn (/usr/local/hadoop/sbin/ followed by /usr/local/hadoop/sbin/ and let me know if the problem persists?

      • Matthew Sharpe

        OK – I’ve managed to replicate the problem and have modified the tutorial above to take this into account. The yarn resource manager uses port 8040 by default and so we were unable to run a mapreduce using that port as well – changing this port value to something different (and not in use) should fix things. Let me know if it doesn’t 🙂

  5. Denny Abraham Cheriyan

    Its working now. Thanks a lot!

  6. Yogesh

    Reblogged this on Qruize Labs and commented:
    An excellent tutorial on installing Hadoop on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS – Trusty Tahr. You can install Oracle JDK instead of OpenJDK if you wish to do so.
    Goto: , agree to the terms and download the tar.gz file corresponding to your architecture.

    Extract the compressed archive and move it to /usr/lib/jvm
    $ sudo mv jdk1.8.0_05 /usr/lib/jvm/
    Let’s install the binaries in this directory as the defaults for java.
    $ sudo update-alternatives –install “/usr/bin/java” “java” “/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java” 1
    $ sudo update-alternatives –install “/usr/bin/javac” “javac” “/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/javac” 1
    $ sudo update-alternatives –install “/usr/bin/javaws” “javaws” “/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/javaws” 1
    $ sudo update-alternatives –config java
    $ sudo update-alternatives –config javac
    Append the following line in .bashrc or .zshrc (You don’t use ZSH??)
    export JAVA_HOME=”/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_05″
    $ source .bashrc
    So there. Now you can skip the part that deals with default-jdk in this article.

    Good luck.

  7. Patrick McConlogue (@aggimagine)

    Absolutely, excellent. And I never comment on tutorials.
    Installed on AWS micro instance, Ubuntu 14.04

  8. Nyalakonda Ramakrishna Reddy

    Thanks a lot finaly installed hadoop.

    • Matthew Sharpe

      No problem Nyalakonda, if there are any other topics you’d like to see me cover then give me a shout.

  9. Joe Lebus Ganem

    Im Scared:
    hduser@DEVCOINAP1:~$ /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop namenode -format
    DEPRECATED: Use of this script to execute hdfs command is deprecated.
    Instead use the hdfs command for it.

    Unrecognized option: –
    Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
    Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

    • Joe Lebus Ganem

      Ok, the command now is:
      /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop fs -namenode -format

      But im still getting the issue:
      Unrecognized option: –
      Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
      Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

      • Matthew Sharpe

        Hi Joe,

        You have good reason to be scared. That sounds terrifying. Fortunately, I think I might have the solution 🙂 Are you running the format command as hduser or as root? If you’re running it as root then that’s the sort of error message I’d expect to see. Before running the command if you switch to hduser:

        su hduser

        I think you’ll have more success. If that doesn’t work, give me a shout.

        • hemant aggarwal

          Hi Matthew,

          I am also getting same error even though I am running the command as hduser. How to resolve this error ?

  10. aayush

    I am getting this warning whenver i run because i’m using ubuntu 13.04)
    WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform… using builtin-java classes where applicable

    Can u tell me a solution

    • Matthew Sharpe

      Do the follow up steps work? That’s just a warning and so isn’t something to be too concerned about.

  11. Joshua Lickteig

    This is simply excellent, many thanks. Also, nice style-

  12. Niladri Kumar Saha Roy

    Awesome tutorial for beginners for me. Shall keep an eye for more from you. Keep up the good work

  13. Yanish

    Install Hadoop 2.5 in ubuntu 14.04 as well as RHadoop.

  14. Venkatesh Kadiri

    I have followed the tutorial .At the end I wanted to check if hadoop is running by typing command jps… It lists out only jps entry but no entries for name node ,data node and secondary nodes…

    • Sarthak

      Yeah, even I got a similar problem, but I got ResourceManager and NodeManager too in addition to Jps when I run the above command.

      Please help!

      Thank you

  15. Luigi Valsecchi

    Great job, Matthew: after reading at least other 10 tutorials without any luck, following your allowed me to have now my Hadoop up and running…

    Only a couple of comments:
    – in step 6, for I had to add “/native” to the value of java.library.path for the HADOOP_OPTS variable to avoid the warning message about missing native-hadoop library when testing the following commands (I had previously compiled Hadoop for my 64bit machine and so the correct library version was in place):
    export HADOOP_OPTS=”$HADOOP_OPTS -Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_PREFIX/lib/native”

    – when I tried to format the namenode, instead of:
    /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop namenode -format
    I had to use the following to avoid warning messages of depracated commands:
    /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hdfs namenode -format

    Anyway, apart from these details, I have to say well done!
    Thank you.

  16. Pradeep

    Hi Great blog. I was able to install successfully following your instructions. Can you please show how to setup a master and slave node as well? There are other websites out there, but none are as detailed as your blog is.

  17. Steve

    Thanks for a great tutorial! I had to make one small change in Step 3. I needed the -H option with the chown.

  18. Narayan Maharana

    I tried with all steps and able to install hadoop and work with this.Thanks a lot for this awesome tips. Great work.

  19. Ashim Gupta

    Hey, Thanks for a great tutorial.
    When I ran a jps command after starting all components, it lists everything except JobTracker and TaskTracker. Can you suggest any fix?

  20. Ashim Gupta

    Sir Your tutorial is great. Thanks for the tutorial.
    I am a newbie and I have a query : when after starting all components, I ran jps, it didn’t show the JobTracker and TaskTracker status.
    Can you please suggest me a fix?

  21. Milford

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about des.

  22. Ashok Kasthuri

    You made it very simple. Thanks a lot. Provide steps or links after installation to perform an example then the tutorial looks complete. Thanks again.

  23. theevilhour

    Thanks, it works! I think.

  24. charan

    I couldn’t find datanode in my jps
    please help me

  25. satmanne

    Thank you! It helped.

  26. Hoser

    OK, now the fun begins. Seems to be the best tutorial available. Works for Java 1.7, Hadoop 2.6.0, and Ubuntu 14.04. Thanks!!

  27. Nabid

    I got this error while executing “/usr/local/hadoop/sbin/”
    15/02/12 01:39:33 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform… using builtin-java classes where applicable
    Starting namenodes on [localhost]
    hduser@localhost’s password:
    localhost: starting namenode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-2.6.0/logs/hadoop-hduser-namenode-prome.out
    hduser@localhost’s password:
    localhost: starting datanode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-2.6.0/logs/hadoop-hduser-datanode-prome.out
    Starting secondary namenodes []
    hduser@’s password: secondarynamenode running as process 6040. Stop it first.
    15/02/12 01:40:18 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform… using builtin-java classes where applicable

    • Matthew Sharpe

      Probably far too late to be of any use but if I had to guess I’d say your problem there is due to passwordless SSH problems or DNS resolution. You see how it’s trying to prompt you for a password? And connect to instead of localhost? Did you ever fix this?

  28. prashant madaan

    Hi my namenode fromat has worked but when i run “/usr/local/hadoop/sbin/” it tells me JAVA_HOME is not set and could not be found.
    please help . i am a new bee in hadoop world

    • prashant madaan

      hi sorry that thing worked out , did a silly mistake !
      when i run “/usr/local/hadoop/sbin/”
      i get this
      WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform… using builtin-java classes where applicable

      can you explain what it means ty 🙂

      • Matthew Sharpe

        Hey, the main thing is that you don’t need to worry about it. Everything should still run just fine.

        It’s talking about classes that Hadoop uses that are also available in your Java distribution. I don’t know which classes it’s specifically talking about but basically the same classes are probably available in both the version of Java you downloaded and in some Hadoop distributions. Your distribution doesn’t seem to have the classes it’s looking for (nor has any version I’ve ever used) and so it’s falling back to the Java classes.

        Or at least that’s the case provided that warning message is accurate. Otherwise, all hope is lost.

    • ecacarva

      Same happens with me, configure JAVA_HOME=/usr (only) on your .bashrc and on

  29. Michael Vedomske

    Just followed this with Hadoop 2.6.0 on elementary OS and worked without a hitch. Great clear tutorial. Thank you!

  30. deepika

    i am getting error like: unable to resolve host address ‘

    • Matthew Sharpe

      Don’t know if this is still a problem but my first bet would be that that particular mirror was down when you tried – is that still the case?

      If so I’ll update the tutorial to point at a new mirror 🙂

  31. deepika

    while installing ssh file i am getting ‘openssh-server’ has no installation candidate

    • Matthew Sharpe

      Have you fixed this yet? It’s just a case of getting an SSH client installed. If `sudo apt-get install openssh-server` or similar doesn’t work then can you tell me what OS you’re using?

  32. ecacarva

    I am looking for tutorials and books for 2 weeks and nothing works, this excellent tutoria works for me, Congrats

  33. ecacarva

    Dear Matthew

    When running “hadoop jar ./share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.6.0.jar pi 2 5” it starts running normal, so i got an error: Container launch failed for container _1427328614988_0001_01_000002:org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.InvalidAuxServicesException:The auxService:mapreduce_shuffle does not exist

    Can you help with this error?

  34. Giuseppe

    This is for me the 4° day that i’m trying to install Hadoop on 3 different SO. Finally i decide to remove K-untu and install U-untu… So after a lot of hours of copy&paste… At the finally command…
    localhost: Error: JAVA_HOME is not set and could not be found.
    localhost: Error: JAVA_HOME is not set and could not be found.
    Starting secondary namenodes [] Error: JAVA_HOME is not set and could not be found.
    And it’s look like that i did all the istruction…

    • Matthew Sharpe

      I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this but it looks like your JAVA_HOME isn’t set! See step 5 and then please paste the output of the command I tell you to run in there if it still isn’t working.

      (In summary, make sure you’ve got your JAVA_HOME set in your .bashrc and have run `source ~/.bashrc`

  35. Pedro Cunha

    Hi, thanks for a great tutorial. I follow your work and would like to ask two questions:

    1) – you have some tutorial about Hbase and its configuration with this work under the Hadoop in a fully distributed system?

    2) – I want to do some experiments in Cassandra and HBase. To do that I need an adequate dataset. The dataset I’m looking for has to be large enough (more than 1GB) and the data in it has to be sufficiently unstructured to be representative of the kind of problems that relational technology can’t cope. Maybe data derived from social networks, and so on. Has anyone that kind of dataset? Or anyone knows where can I find such a dataset?

    Thanks for your help.

  36. zamani

    Hi thank you for the tutorial….

    i have no idea about linux just follow your tutorial… so far ok but at step 4 to edit /etc/sysctl.conf.

    after install gksu and try to run a got this problem…

    (gksu:3399): Gtk-warning **: cannot open display:

    somebody pls help me.


    • Nilesh Dengle

      Try sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf.

  37. Parvathi

    Thanks Matthew for the wonderful tutorial …
    It helped me alot.
    I did face some trouble in updating config files as I copied tar with default user and had to update them with hduser.
    I managed it by changing owner & group permissions.

    Once again thank you.


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