Data Science, amongst other things.

About Us

Matthew Sharpe

Matt Having Breakfast

Matthew Sharpe

A Joe Satriani look-a-like. Born in Kenya. Master’s degree in Maths & Physics from Durham. Worked as a bin-man, guitar teacher, an ice-cream man, a bookie, a lawyer, a tax consultant, an auditor, a website trading manager and a data scientist. Having begun his data career at pet food moguls Mars (amongst other things curating first-hand taste data), he swiftly rose to prominence driving the multivariate testing programme at The Hut Group. Of course, it was only a matter of time before the man whose bedroom manner earned him the nickname “The Spider” realised his destiny and joined Arachnys to catalyse their Data Science function. Tried to book a short weekend in Edinburgh, got confused and ended up working for Skyscanner. Now living in Stockholm working for Spotify. A keen Pythonista, he’ll mostly be blogging about using Python, R, Octave and Hadoop to interrogate data sets and see if there’s anything useful hidden behind the statistical noise.



Sean Durkin

Sean Having His Annual Drink

Sean Durkin

A behemoth of a man. Originally raised by wolves on the outskirts of Burnley, he found a copy of the Feynmann lectures discarded in a hedge. Making a speculative application to Oxford paid off and he duly graduated 4 years later, a master of Physics and no longer so lupine. Since then he’s been chief of all things data at The Hut Group, Head of the Data Science department at Playdemic and LAD in chief (data-wise) at the LAD Bible. He’ll primarily be blogging about blogging about blogging. Meta-blogging. That, and on using clickstream logs to generate triggers for CRM activity, making games more fun, and anything else that takes his fancy.



Josh Forman-Gornall

Josh showing off his handiwork

Josh Forman-Gornall

This is the man who puts the “big” in “big data”. Well, I say “man”, but “consciousness” is generally agreed to be more accurate given the transcendental nature of Josh’s brain and biceps. Emerging from a quantum fluctuation in the early 1990s and since growing to astronomical scale, Josh’s formative years consisted largely of advanced mathematics and crushing the weak. Having smashed out a cheeky Masters in Computer Science at Imperial College London for fun, he allowed himself to be lured into spending two years up North and good-naturedly improved The Hut Group’s search and recommendations functions to the tune of £15 million. Ever the gentleman, he agreed to let other people have a chance and so re-emerged at Adform as the brains and brawn of their Data Science department.

1 Comment

  1. Martin

    Thanks, Guys. Well done.

    Sharing your knowledge is invaluable.

    I have printed out one article and am following it step by step.
    And laughing out loud at every line. It fills me with joy.
    Like yourselves, I have a mathematical background, and trying to make sense of things
    What you are writing is beautiful.

    I am only on page 3 of 11 pages, and that took me 4 days, to appreciate and enjoy.

    Knowing that you guys sweated blood and arguments and the rest to make the concepts valid.


    “I only meant to blow out the doors” as Michael Caine would say.
    I have called it project- Dumbo.To begin with.
    Have to go and find a green elephant to make it work, it might be yellow, or have polka dots.

    How do I put the “Elephant in the room” ?
    Simple: Chase out the chimpanzees but keep the white wolf.
    And, ‘all i want for Christmas is a colouring book and some crayons.’


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